Who is this blog for?

Mostly my friends, anyone interested in my journey and myself (to not forget all the little adventures and experiences). This blog is just a bunch of personal anecdotes, it’s not a travel guide of any sort.

How many countries do you plan to visit?

Around 50 countries (and yes, I do count Taiwan).

When did you decide on this trip and how long did you plan?

In spring 2021 I realized that I am basically unable to work anymore due to my mental health and a true break from everything is needed. I made the decision to travel around the world and spent the next nine months planning (research, rough itinerary, new passport, health insurance, vaccinations, subletting my room, a very elaborate pack list). Sadly, I didn’t manage to finish this travel blog.

How long will you be traveling?

I started this journey in January 2022 and plan to be traveling for around 2 years. Though unforeseen things will surely happen and I might change my plans along the way.

Why such a long trip?

Because I want to see the world and extended backpacking throughout exotic corners of the world brings me happiness. After the burnout and the pandemic I needed a real break, as I am not able to work right now. Also, I would rather travel now than when I am old and retired.

How can you just take so much time off, don't you have any responsibilities at home?

Basically no. I don’t have a partner, kids, pets or even a car. I sublet my room in our shared flat to a friend. As a freelancer, I could simply stop working anytime. Personal independence has always been a priority for me.

Will you be visiting home during this time?

Yes, several times. After finishing North, Central and South America by the end of 2022 I will come back to Germany for Christmas and then start the second part of my trip (Australia, Asia, East Europe) in early 2023.

Do you travel alone or with friends?

Most of the time alone, but I will visit friends in many places and I hope that some of my friends will accompany me for a little while along the way. Write to me if you are interested in traveling together.

You have to visit place , it's amazing. How can you skip this?

I get this a lot when people see my intended itinerary but look, I am already trying to see as much of the world as possible, I can’t possibly visit every amazing place on this planet.

Will you be working remotely during this trip?

Nope, the idea is to clear my head and forget about all the work stress that has been haunting me for years. (Small exception: I agreed to give an online workshop every 6 months.)

What about the carbon footprint of all that traveling?

I am trying to minimize my footprint by avoiding using planes whenever feasible. Most of the time I travel by bus, train or boat. I am considering carbon-offsetting all flights I take but haven’t made a final decision yet.

What languages do you speak?

German and English (near native) and basic Spanish. I also had six years of Russian in school (East Germany), but don’t remember anything unless my life depends on it.

Are you monetizing this trip or blog in any way?

No. I am not going to sell some e-book on how to travel around the world and I won’t put annoying advertising on my website.

Any unanswered questions? Ask me